Minggu, 12 Desember 2010


The study of disease occurrence is called epidemiology. An epidemic is an unusually
large, short term outbreak of disease. A disease is called endemic if it persists in apopulation.
The spread of an infectious disease involve not only disease-related factors such as the
infectious agent, mode of transmission, latent period, infectious period, susceptibility, and
resistance, but also social, cultural, demographic, economic and geographic factors.
The transmission mechanism from an infective to suspectibles is understood for
nearly all infectious diseases and the spread of diseases trough a chain of infections is known.
However, the transmission interactions in a population are very complex so that it is difficult
to comprehend the large scale dynamics of disease spread without the formal structure of a
mathematical model. An epidemiological model uses a microscopic behavior of disease
spread through a population.
Mathematical models have both limitations and capabilities that must recognized.
Sometimes questions cannot be answered by using epidemiologiczl models, but sometimes
the modeler is able to find the right combination of available data, an interesting question and
a mathematical model which can lead to the answer.
The population under consideration is divided into disjoint classes which change
with time t. the susceptible class consists of those individuals who can incur the disease but
are not yet infective. The invective class consists of those who are transmitting the disease to
others. The removed class consists of those who are removed from the susceptible-infective
interaction by recovery with immunity, isolation, or death.

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